Man sitting on railroad tracks looking at sunset.

Benefits of a Birthday Memory Book as a Gift

Birthdays are powerful moments to celebrate an individual. For children birthdays include party hats, pizza, and wrapped toy gifts from friends (or more likely, gifts from friend's parents). Birthdays for adults are still moments to be celebrated,…

What is a Crowdsourced Memory Book?

You may know about scrapbooks or photo books, which display mainly photos beautifully into books. Crowdsourced memory books, or group memory books are similar, but different in a few important ways. The main difference between a photo book…

How to gather memories from a group of people for a memory book.

Whether you have a birthday to celebrate, or another special occasion, gifting memories from friends and family is a powerful way to show support. Gathering memories from a group of people is a large undertaking, however, and in this post we'll…

Meditate, be Present: One activity at a time

Today people will walk, text, and listen to music all at the same time; or be on the phone with someone while scrolling Instagram; or eat breakfast while watching YouTube videos. While “maximizing” each moment this way leaves us appropriately…

11 things that helped during the first year of grief.

One year ago today my little brother Spencer died in a motorcycle accident at the age of 25. You can’t prepare for that phone call. No warning, no preparation, he’s just gone. The flood of emotions in that moment, and the thousands of…
Two girls connecting in a digital world. They are on their computers, but looking to connect in a digital world. It can be hard to see past social media to connect in a digital world, but these girls are friends and able to break social media habits to find connection in a digital world. Social media leads to a lack of connection if we are not proactive and break our habits as passive consumers.

How to connect (instead of passively consume) in a digital age.

The digital age has created more opportunities to connect than humanity has ever known, yet the rates of loneliness keep increasing (nearly half the U.S. feels sometimes or always alone). Figuring out how to connect online will maximize…

How to Feel Less Lonely (Hint: Answer is not more people)

Feeling lonely can be an impossible situation, where you feel misunderstood and alone, but at the same time want more than anything to connect and find joy in human interaction. I’ve found feeling less lonely to be more complex than just spending…
Young Women Reaching Hand to Help, one needs the other. It’s not needy to accept help. These two may be better friends after needing each other.

How being "needy" can strengthen your relationships.

In our personal relationships there is a constant give and take. Consciously or subconsciously we are always keeping tally of whether someone is drawing on our emotional bank accounts (think of negative or overly needy friends),…

Say Yes: A Simple Way to Change your Situation.

Lately I’ve felt time passing by... fast. My patterns of behavior and thought are letting time pass quickly. These mental and behavioral habits let us "do" without making as much effort, which can be a great thing for productive…
Man sitting on railroad tracks looking at sunset.

4 Ways Time Alone Will Bring you Closer to People.

A few years ago I was on a date with a girl who really changed my mindset on the importance of spending time by myself. She was very expressive and open and seemed in touch with herself. At the time I was taking myself very seriously.…
