Man in white robe walking in the desert as the sun sets.

What I learned from 10 straight days of meditation.

Two summers ago I was making some significant life decisions and felt like the pressures of day-to-day life were limiting my mindset. Somehow I didn’t like the path I was on, but couldn’t find the time to process what changes I needed to…

The Difference Between Being Nice and Being Kind in Conversation

A few years ago I had a conversation with my cousin Stephen. We were catching up over lunch. He said something to me that was initially very offensive, and still sticks with me years later: ’You are a really nice person, but it comes off very…

How improv is making me a better conversationalist

This year I took an improv class. Getting outside of my comfort zone and being forced to react immediately to whatever happens on stage brought a lot of laughs, as well as some serious flops. For those of you who have never experienced improv,…

How I Discovered the Gift of Empathy.

Earlier this year I took a class on innovation and design hoping to learn how to think differently. At the beginning of the class I had visions of great innovators and designers - Jobs, Da Vinci, Edison. I was excited to learn what drove their…

Do you want a better relationship with someone? Try this…

We all have relationships that fade over time, where someone is more invested than the other. Or times when we want more out of an existing relationship. One of the greatest opportunities to deepen a relationship is sharing how much the relationship…
