Benefits of a Birthday Memory Book as a Gift

Birthdays are powerful moments to celebrate an individual. For children birthdays include party hats, pizza, and wrapped toy gifts from friends (or more likely, gifts from friend’s parents). Birthdays for adults are still moments to be celebrated, only celebrated differently. Dinner with friends is common, though the gifts from childhood mature into more thoughtful items. What gifts are good for adults?

Figuring out the right thoughtful gift for a friend can be difficult, but one universally thoughtful gift is a birthday memory book.

What is a memory book?

Memory books take many forms, from photo books, to scrapbooks, and formal memory books like Gratbook. In general, a memory book is a way to capture thoughts, sentiments, and photos into a tangible book. Birthday memory books are the ideal gift for “someone who has everything” as they are made up of feelings and thoughts more than monetary value. At Gratbook we have had very successful people who wouldn’t necessarily be impressed or satisfied by expensive gifts, but hearts melt with a memory book.

What makes a memory book a good gift?

Birthday memory books are unique gifts, in that they are extremely personal and therefore more thoughtful. No two memory books are the same, just as no two people are the same. As a gift, birthday memory books show someone how loved they are, and highlight strengths of the individual. Individual thank you notes, texts, or emails are heartwarming, but a memory book brings these items together en masse.

Consider Crowdsourcing your Memory Book

What makes birthday memory books powerful gifts – extremely personal, thoughtful, and unique – also makes them difficult to make. Scrapbooks or photo books can take hours to design and organize, let along bringing the content together. One consideration is to crowdsource your birthday memory book, where you can have friends and family email you letters and photos to include in the memory book. This makes the process of developing a memory book a little bit easier, where family and friends will generate the content of the book.

One downside of this method is that you will need to manage the book content and design. As you consider building a memory book, especially a crowdsourced birthday memory book, take into account Gratbook. Our goal is to make it easy to gather content from a group of people and have as little design work as possible. For an easy way to create an extremely thoughful gift, use Gratbook.

No matter how you decide to build your memory book, the gift will be heartwarming. People love to be loved, and birthday memory books are uniquely thoughtful gifts to bring the best of an individual to a book.